Case Study

Management Consulting

VHA Quality and Safety Management – HRO Assessment and Planning


The Joint Commission estimates that over 60,000 patients per year die due to preventable harm in the U.S. VA hired rockITdata to assess ongoing operations across their 18 Networks, 171 VA Medical Centers, and over 1000 outpatient clinics.


In close collaboration with our subcontractor, Safe and Reliable Healthcare, rockITdata developed and prototyped an enterprise High Reliability Organization (HRO) framework aligned to three pillars and 11 components, a maturity model, and a five-component qualitative and quantitative assessment.


Provided 167 VA Medical Centers a consistent, non-biased third-party assessment with actionable and prioritized recommendations. Co-created 167 one-year implementation roadmaps with milestones focused on Safety Culture, Leadership Commitment, and Continuous Improvement.